
Help with Conversion to Acclivity AccountEdge

Many MYOB User Group members have converted from MYOB to the Canadian version of Priority AccountEdge.  This is an upgraded version of MYOB.  This software was formerly badged 'Acclivity' which was a management buyout of MYOB in the United States; this was subsequently sold to Priority, an ERP software house.  Priority AccountEdge now imposes a service charge for new customers.  For more information on Accountedge including a free testdrive see the Simple Accounting Website

The MYOB User Group will convert existing datafiles to Priority format for £150 each.  This includes a quick review of the datafile and assumes there are no major errors. We can also get datafiles cleaned of all transactions.  We can datafiles repaired of errors for £200 in unusual cases of corruption.  The MYOB Usergroup acts as a source of ongoing support for Accountedge for its members. 

System requirements are given at http://web.archive.org/web/20230306222251/https://www.accountedge.com/system-requirements/

Buying the software is a bit tricky but can be done with persistence.  Test drive the software.  Check you are happy with it.  Then either:

Renew: https://betty.acclivitysoftware.com/MyAccount/MyAccount?p=login

Telephone: 001 800 322 6962 with a credit card.

or try to buy online (you will have to use an IP masker):  http://www.accountedge.com/buy/united-states/windows/pro/

Don't use the Priority chatbot - it can refuse to deal with you.

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