
Help with MYOB

  • 27 Oct 2011 3:44 PM
    Reply # 734637 on 707213
    Deleted user
    Hi, I'm using version 14 on a Mac. How do I deal with EU reverse charge VAT?
    Hope someone can help as I'm not getting very far after trawling the net!
  • 04 Nov 2011 10:48 PM
    Reply # 742466 on 734637
    Mark Hill (Administrator)
    Suzanne Troop wrote:Hi, I'm using version 14 on a Mac. How do I deal with EU reverse charge VAT?
    Hope someone can help as I'm not getting very far after trawling the net!

    A full explanation of this (and other weird parts of VAT) is available in the MYOB Tricks of the trade section of the Simple Accounting website.

    Look for Resources: MYOB Centre.  Follow the links for 'Tricks of the Trade'.
  • 30 Nov 2011 12:55 PM
    Reply # 762663 on 707213
    Deleted user

    V13 custom fields & custom lists - stock control (items).

    I have V13, and still have all the original manuals, disc etc. When I bought it, which was pretty well as soon as it was released, I was disappointed to find that the custom field & list fuction did not apply to items. This was even though this function was specifically described in the manual. I queried it with MYOB UK, who said that it was a mistake in the software. I believe it was susbsequently corrected either in V13  or a subsequent version.

    I am very happy with MYOB, as it does everything I need, except that function. I wonder:

    1 Was it ever corrected in V13, in which case can anyone let me have the corrected version?

    2 If it was not corrected in V13, does anyone have any suggestions? The point being that I bought V13, and it should have had the feature included, but it was omitted by error on the part of MYOB.

    Cheers Frank



    Last modified: 30 Nov 2011 1:09 PM | Deleted user
  • 04 Dec 2011 12:52 PM
    Reply # 765403 on 762663
    Mark Hill (Administrator)
    FRANK JOLLEY wrote:

    V13 custom fields & custom lists - stock control (items).

    I have V13, and still have all the original manuals, disc etc. When I bought it, which was pretty well as soon as it was released, I was disappointed to find that the custom field & list fuction did not apply to items. This was even though this function was specifically described in the manual. I queried it with MYOB UK, who said that it was a mistake in the software. I believe it was susbsequently corrected either in V13  or a subsequent version.

    I am very happy with MYOB, as it does everything I need, except that function. I wonder:

    1 Was it ever corrected in V13, in which case can anyone let me have the corrected version?

    2 If it was not corrected in V13, does anyone have any suggestions? The point being that I bought V13, and it should have had the feature included, but it was omitted by error on the part of MYOB.

    Cheers Frank




    I've checked my version of the v13 software and it does not have the error you describe.  I am using V13 Great Britain release 7.5.3G from 2004.  I may have a cd for this.  Which version are you using?  Shall we take this discussion to the private email address of my firm (info@simpleaccounting.co.uk) as this is a bit detailed for the usergroup forum?

  • 12 Dec 2011 1:19 PM
    Reply # 771641 on 707213
    Deleted user

    Hi Mark

    Per your EMail I have "unticked" the security box for "I prefer to use automated online verification automation"

    Should the box "prompt for verification information when opening" remained "ticked"?





  • 13 Dec 2011 2:34 PM
    Reply # 772478 on 771641
    Mark Hill (Administrator)
    Amba Hall wrote:   Hi Mark

    Per your EMail I have "unticked" the security box for "I prefer to use automated online verification automation"

    Should the box "prompt for verification information when opening" remained "ticked"?



    Yes - verification is the data integrity check that the software performs on opening.

  • 15 Dec 2011 8:52 AM
    Reply # 773935 on 707213
    Deleted user
    Hi there - I have version 14 on a PC that I never thought I would use again, but an old client and colleague insisted I do their bookkeeping and so it was resurrected (Mark knows a bit of the history!) :0) Anyway, one thing has led to another and I now find myself using all 5 data file licenses (which confirm perfectly with the user group codes - many thanks!). Should I get another client or five would it be possible to install another new copy of 14 or maybe later on the same PC? I see eBay has various versions MYOB Accounting (2008), would one of these work OK with the user group confirmation codes?
    Last modified: 15 Dec 2011 7:54 PM | Mark Hill (Administrator)
  • 15 Dec 2011 11:41 AM
    Reply # 774010 on 707213
    Mike Milbourne
    I am running MYOB Mac version 12.1.0G......  Just had  company file confirmation come up and it wont complete ?
    I have  tried to set the preferences to stop  MYOB doing it  automatically on line by opening an old, not used company file, however it seems that the online confirmation preference may be part of the data file (?)  I can open the other company file
    Now I am stuck as I can't get the company file code (are they different for each data file? ) or open my data  file  even if I try resetting the date on my Mac and restoring an older copy via time machine to a couple of days ago.  Have joined up to the MYOB user group  so hope someone can help me with this otherwise  I cant run my accounts !!   Can anyone help ????  I have never had any correspondence from Mamut or MYOB that they were turning off the confirmation so this has come as a complete shock.

    MYOB does exactly what I need so I don't want to have to change
  • 15 Dec 2011 7:52 PM
    Reply # 774321 on 707213
    Mark Hill (Administrator)
    This is quite a difficult problem.... but not insuperable.  The key is to realise that the datafile is trying to confirm online and failing. 

    This may simply be because of a conflict between the server and the Mac OS that you are using.  It could be something to do with all the licencing nonsense that we MYOB users have faced over the past three years. 

    One solution is that you could upgrade to the Mamut AE 2011 software.  This will commit you to permanent quarterly online verification and possibly a permanent annual service charge. 

    The easiest alternative solution is to:
    1. Find a PC computer that is online.
    2. Ideally this PC will already have the relevant MYOB software.  If not download the same software that your MYOB datafile uses.  There is a link page on this website.  Open the PC equivalent MYOB software.
    3. Copy the .myo file from the Mac to the PC. 
    4. Open the file using the MYOB software.  You should find that the software confirms the datafile online.
    5. Go to Setup/company information/licence and manually reconfirm
    6. Go to Setup/preferences/security and turn the online confirmation of datafiles OFF.
    7. Use the manually calculated codes available from the usergroup in future.  These should allow you to continue to use the software indefinitely.

    A third solution is to convert to software that doesn't contain DRM.  Alternatives are mentioned elsewhere on this site.

  • 21 Feb 2012 12:51 PM
    Reply # 831246 on 707213

    We are running MYOB Accounting Plus 2009 v18 with 5 licenses. Needing to upgrade PC's and so transfer MYOB program onto new pc's. Just after some help /advise on how to go about this / any potential issues?

    We basically downloaded this online at the time (via an e-mail from Mamut dated 01/04/2009). We don't have the downloaded file saved however, on searching the Mamut site I have found following link:


    ... and on clicking the download link, saved a file called 'AccPlusv18Apr09.exe'. Haven't run this file yet but is it possible for someone to ratify this is correct and we should (once we input manual confirmation codes) be able to set this up ok?

    Many Thanks
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