
Help with MYOB

  • 23 Sep 2013 4:43 PM
    Reply # 1396266 on 707213
    Deleted user
    Just updating my own post above regarding installing MYOB on Windows V8 64 bit. I have now managed to install MYOB versions 14, 15, 16 and 17 no problem and seem to access my datafiles fine. I followed advice on other (mainly Australian) discussion groups and copied the whole install CD onto my hard drive and then installed from there. However, am having problems with version 10 and am getting the message that it needs older Windows operating systems (I think Windows 98, XP, Vista). Does anyone have any suggestions ? I know for sure that version 10 can be used with Windows 7 using some kind of workaround so perhaps it is poss with Windows 8 ? Can anyone suggest the workaround ? Thanks.
  • 01 Oct 2013 2:53 PM
    Reply # 1402323 on 707213
    Deleted user

    Could someone please help me?   I have a user licence for 2 people but now we aren't seeing each others sales/purchases etc and I am unsure as to what to do.   Can you give me advice as to how to resolve this issue please?




  • 02 Oct 2013 9:51 AM
    Reply # 1402964 on 707213
    I would suggest the first thing to do is confirm beyond doubt that both users are entering the sales/purchases into the same company file. One way to do this is for an Administrator to change the password for both users. If one or both users log in with old password, you are not using the same file.
  • 02 Oct 2013 7:50 PM
    Reply # 1403317 on 707213
    Mark Hill (Administrator)
    I've discussed this one with you Karen, and I think we have resolved that there has been a duplicate of the datafile that one of you has been logging into inadvertently .  This can be caused by mis-administration of the network, or by Dropbox, dropouts.  I suggest that you check File/Active Workstations... to check that you are both in the same datafile.

    Please note other users.... you are entitled to use the phone number to obtain immediate phone support as part of your membership fee (as Karen did here).  We do not promise to be able to answer all questions, nor all questions immediately.  But we will try our best.

  • 03 Feb 2014 11:24 AM
    Reply # 1489098 on 707213
    Deleted user
    MYOB with MacOS Mavericks

    Just a quick note to reassure everyone that MYOB does work within MacOS Mavericks. 

    I am running MYOB Account Edge Plus 2008 (v8) on a new Macbook Pro using MacOS Mavericks (v10.9.1) - no problems at all.

    I have updated the OS every time a new version came out and MYOB has run ok with them all.  I cannot verify if you would be able to INSTALL an old version of MYOB on a new MAC OS because I believe OSX carries out a few checks before installing and it may report that MYOB is not compatible.

    However I can confirm from personal experience that if you have MYOB already installed and running and you upgrade to Mavericks (10.9.1) then MYOB will continue to run without problems.
  • 17 Apr 2014 11:09 AM
    Reply # 1539524 on 707213
    Deleted user
    Missing Custom Forms
    Here's a strange one ...... I have been running MYOB Accounting v15 on OSX 10.3.9 for years now with no problems. I'm currently moving everything over to a newer OS (OSX 10.5.8) on a separate HD.
    Having copied everything over from 10.3.9 HD to 10.5.8 HD I am missing some custom invoice forms, so I look for them in 10.5.8 Finder, not there, so I thought just copy them over from 10.3.9 Finder, not there either, yet when I launch MYOB in old OS they are still present and working fine from within the software.
    Any ideas where they might be? Are they invisible files?
  • 29 Apr 2014 2:48 PM
    Reply # 1544792 on 707213
    Hi Graham

    Have a look at these 2 links on the MYOB Aust site - you may find some clues here. All AE versions (incl Aust) are made by Acclivity in the US, so custom form locations should be similar.

    Backup and Restore - Macs

    Installing and Upgrading AE

  • 30 Oct 2015 6:36 AM
    Reply # 3607045 on 707213
    Deleted user


    Hi there

    Can anyone please help with this FORMS query

    I have needed to modify our forms on version 18 of MYOB

    (setup - customise forms - invoices) and so have created new ones with new names. 

    However, when we print off the server, even though we select the new form, eg a new invoice, the old form is being printed.

    Do I need to do something to the folder containing the forms to rectify this?

    Where is the folder and where does it need to go?

    Anyhelp would be very much appreciated,


    PS How do I delete old forms ? Having worked with MYOB for years and years, there are dozens of redundant forms in my drop down menu

    Last modified: 30 Oct 2015 6:38 AM | Deleted user
  • 02 Nov 2015 6:02 AM
    Reply # 3610683 on 707213
    Deleted user

    Hi Lorraine,

    If your data file resides on a server and you created the new forms on the server, you will need to copy the newly created forms to each individual computer you are running MYOB from. I am running MYOB V15, and the "Forms" folder is located in C:\Plus15. Copy your new forms that you created on the Server, or any other client you created them on, to the directory C:\Plus15\Forms, on each computer you are running MYOB from, that access the shared data file.

    If you need to delete old forms, just go to the directory C:\Plus15\Forms on each computer you run MYOB from, then delete the unwanted forms from the "Forms" folder.

    Hope this helps


  • 12 Nov 2015 4:26 AM
    Reply # 3629492 on 707213
    Deleted user

    Hi Trevor, sorry for the late reply, thanks for your blogpost, it helped enormously and the problem is now solved, kind regards Lorraine

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