
New membership fee structure

26 Jul 2023 12:56 PM | Mark Hill (Administrator)

As part of our restructuring of this group we have decided to unify all membership renewal dates, as at 1st August.  All existing memberships will end at the end of July.  This is part of our process to streamline all our processes so that we can reduce our costs for a membership group that is now only a small fraction of the number when we first started twelve years ago. 

New membership rates are as follows.

Full membership due August - July in advance £70

Advisory only due August - July in advance £35

Professional membership is now subsumed in Full membership for those Full members who qualify.

If you consider that this process has unfairly reduced the value of any membership fees that you have recently sent us then please ask us to reconsider.  Just send us an email to info@myobusergroup.co.uk
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